Legal notices
Hotel la Tour de Nesle La Rochelle Vieux Port


Phone: +33 (0)5 46 41 05 86

Address: 30, rue Saint Augustin 75002 Paris – France

SIRET: N°84940555000013

RCS: Paris 849405550

EU VAT (CIIF): FR84849405550

Legal status: SAS

Share capital: 1,000.00 Euros

Website creation:


Phone: +33 (0)1 85 09 74 06

Address: 37, Rue Adam Ledoux 92400 Courbevoie – France

SIRET : N°80164723100019

RCS : Paris B 801647231

EU VAT (CIIF): FR44801647231

Legal status: SARL

Share capital: 100,000.00 Euros



Phone: +33 (0)8 99 70 17 61

Address: 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France

SIRET: N°42476141900045

RCS: Lille Metropole B 424761419

EU VAT (CIIF): FR22424761419

Legal status: SAS

Share Capital: 10,000,000.00 Euros

Consumer Mediation

In accordance with Article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, it is specified that “every consumer has the right to free access to a consumer mediator for the amicable resolution of disputes with a professional. To this end, the professional guarantees the consumer effective access to a consumer mediation scheme.”

With this in mind, Hôtel Le Marcel offers its clients the opportunity to use a consumer mediator to resolve disputes that have not been amicably settled.

The mediator’s contact details – Médiation de la Consommation & Patrimoine – are:

Address: Médiation de la Consommation & Patrimoine – 12 square Desnouettes – 75015 Paris

Cold Calling

In accordance with Article L.223-2 of the Consumer Code, consumers have the option to register on the telephone solicitation opt-out list associated with the Bloctel system.

Clients can register for free on Bloctel:

Right of Withdrawal

In accordance with Article L221-28 of the Consumer Code, consumers do not have the right of withdrawal.

Dispute Resolution

Find all the information at the following link: